There seems to have been a slight problem with the database. Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

Database error in Apogee Essence CMS: Invalid SQL: SELECT * FROM `tbl_Wishlist_Items` 
        WHERE `wishItem_TF_Published` = 1 
        AND `wishItem_FK_User_Created` = '89'
        AND wishItem_FK_wishlist = '2'
        AND ( `wishItem_FK_User_Created` = '' OR ( `wishItem_Is_Private` = 0 OR `wishItem_ID` IN ( SELECT shares_FK_Item FROM tbl_Shares WHERE shares_FK_Item = tbl_Wishlist_Items.wishItem_ID AND `shares_FK_Group` LIKE CONCAT('%"', (SELECT relationsPersons_FK_Group FROM `tbl_Relations_Persons` WHERE `relationsPersons_FK_Owner` = tbl_Wishlist_Items.wishItem_FK_User_Created AND `relationsPersons_FK_Friend` = '' AND `relationsPersons_TF_Published` = 1) , '"%')  ) OR `wishItem_ID` IN ( SELECT inv_FK_wishItem  FROM tbl_event_invites WHERE inv_FK_wishItem  = tbl_Wishlist_Items.wishItem_ID AND `inv_InvitedUsers_ids` LIKE CONCAT('%"', () , '"%')  ) ) )
        AND ( `wishItem_FK_User_Created` = '' OR (`wishItem_FK_Folder` = 0 OR `wishItem_FK_Folder` IN (SELECT `wishFolder_ID` FROM `tbl_Wishlist_Folders` WHERE `wishFolder_TF_Published` = 1 AND `wishFolder_TF_IsPrivate` = 0 AND `wishFolder_ID` = tbl_Wishlist_Items.wishItem_FK_Folder) OR `wishItem_FK_Folder` IN ( SELECT shares_FK_Folder FROM tbl_Shares WHERE shares_FK_Folder = tbl_Wishlist_Items.wishItem_FK_Folder AND `shares_FK_Group` LIKE CONCAT('%"' , (SELECT relationsPersons_FK_Group FROM `tbl_Relations_Persons` WHERE `relationsPersons_FK_Owner` = tbl_Wishlist_Items.wishItem_FK_User_Created AND `relationsPersons_FK_Friend` = '' AND `relationsPersons_TF_Published` = 1) , '"%') ) ) )
        ORDER BY wishItem_ID DESC
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ') , '"%')  ) ) )
        AND ( `wishItem_FK_User_Created` = '' OR (`wishItem...' at line 5
mysql error number: 1064
Date: Tuesday 16th 2024f April 2024 04:13:20 AM
Script: /module.php?module=profile&guest=1&l=en&for=nektar.baziotis&vf=base&vI=epikwish&&cid=2